
Amy Arrives in SF

High: No more driving. Having left DC last Saturday, I drove into San Francisco yesterday afternoon. Mark and I had a great time seeing friends on our way out here and camping in the Grand Canyon, but it feels really good to be out of the car for a while.
Low: Leaving Mark at the airport in LA on Friday afternoon. So sad.
AHA: Driving up Route 101 really is as beautiful as everyone says. The challenge on the way up from LA was not driving off the road while staring at the scenery.

Alden and I packed this morning, or rather, I packed and Alden commenced packing (for some it's apparently a multi-day process). Now we're watching swimming -- Alden loves Michael Phelps, but he's not really my type.


Cheryl Houston said...

When do you leave??

Aunt Alden said...

We leave 11am PST on Aug 12 -- it's a direct flight from SFO into Beijing!!! I believe we'll be only slightly tired ;) We'll touch base when we arrive!!!

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