
trying to attain a visa

Tomorrow morning, I will journey to the majestic confines of the Chinese consulate, buried deep within San Francisco's Japantown. Japantown, huh....

This illusive office is only open for 6 hours a day. 9-12 and 1-3. Allegedly, there's no proper que and I'm supposed to bring every possible form of Olympic identification possible. This includes but is not limited to my passport and plane tickets, hotel reservations in china, travel itinerary in china, proof of purchase of Olympic tickets (because we haven't received them yet), 2nd form of identification, the visa application AND a check for $120. To this list, I also will be bringing a good book in preparation for the 2-3 hour wait. Jeez. I'll let you know how this goes.

Friday will bring a whole other kinda of line as I plan on arriving at the Apple store early for the piece of technology I'll be using the most in Zhongguo [that means China]. Sweet iPhone glory!

I'm starting to get really excited :) It's hard to believe I first purchased tickets almost a year and a half ago!

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